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Ignition Table


The Simple Table allows you create a table wtih a dynamic number of columns and rows based off the keys in your data source. Video recorded using: Ignition 7.9. The new NUB ignition Table-Top lighter is short, fat, and powerful just like its namesake cigar. Coming in at a brawny 10 oz and standing 3 inches tall, this cylindrically shaped lighter is a powerhouse. Sporting a gorgeous design, 3 searing torch flames angled to a point for precision, and an innovative lighting mechanism, this stylish table. CEO at Ignition Studio. Closer look at the innovations and requirements for #interactive live streaming and what #Amazon’s IVS brings to the table #livestreaming #lowlatency #interactivevideo.

  1. Ignition Table
  2. Mr2 Factory Ignition Table

Ignition Tables

Ignition tables contain the base ignition timing for low and high speed cams. Note that additional compensations are applied to the base ignition timing and the final ignition timing may be different from the base table values.

EGR Ignition Tables

The indices are RPM and EGR(%). This table affects partial throttle ignition timing when EGR is between 12 and 25 percent. At full throttle, when EGR is between 0 and 3 percent, changes made in the first two columns have little effect. For full throttle ignition changes alter the Knock Ignition Limit tables.

Individual cylinder ignition trim

Individual cylinder ignition trim adjusts the ignition timing for each cylinder. This table should only be adjusted if an exhaust gas temperature gauge is used to determine the correct ignition timing for each cylinder.

Air temperature compensation

This compensates the ignition timing by air temperature. Two tables are used - for low and medium to high load. The cross-over point between the tables is approximately 40 kPa manifold pressure. Positive values in the tables retard ignition; negative values advance ignition.

The ECU normally applies any IAT based ignition retard to the knock ignition limit tables. This means that any IAT ignition retard only reduces ignition timing when the knock ignition limit is close to the MBT ignition timing. If you want to apply the IAT retard to ignition advance regardless of the knock ignition limit, then uncheck the 'Ignition IAT retard applied to ignition knock limit' option and check the 'Ignition IAT retard applied to ignition advance' option. Note that only one of these options should be checked a time.

Coolant temperature compensation

This table retards the ignition when the coolant temperature is below normal operating temperatures. Two tables are used - one for low load (below approx 40 kPa manifold pressure), and one for high load. Positive values in the tables retard ignition; negative values advance ignition.

This table retards the ignition when the coolant temperature is higher than normal (overheating). Two tables are used - one for low load (below approx 40 kPa manifold pressure), and one for high load. Positive values in the tables retard ignition; negative values advance ignition.

Ignition parameters

When cold the ECU retards the ignition to increase the catalytic converter temperature. For race vehicles without a catalytic converter this may be disabled.

Throttle tip in retard

These tables determines the amount of ignition retard upon throttle tip in.

Ignition retard rpm compensation

Sets the amount of ignition retard by engine speed. A higher value is more ignition retard.

Ignition retard throttle compensation


Sets the amount of ignition retard by throttle position. A higher value is more ignition retard.

Ignition retard gear compensation

Sets the amount of ignition retard by gear. A lower value is less retard, a higher value is more ignition retard.

Gear compensation

This table allows the ignition timing to be altered by gear. Positive values will advance, negative values will retard. Note that the ignition timing is change for all load and rpm values in each gear.

For gear compensation to be applied, if available, select 'Ignition IAT retard applied to ignition advance' from the 'Ignition' -> 'Air temperature compensation' section.

TableIgnition Table

Ignition Table


Cranking ignition

This table sets the base ignition when cranking the engine by coolant temperature.

Mr2 Factory Ignition Table


Excessive ignition advance will damage the engine. The combustion pressure and load on the engine (especially bearing stress) increase dramatically if the engine is over-advanced. Do not believe the fallacy that 'more is better' for ignition advance. Too little ignition advance can also damage the engine by increasing the exhaust gas temperature, especially with turbo-charged engines. Do not rely on the knock sensor to retard the ignition timing if the engine detonates.

Tuning Ignition Advance at full load

The best way to determine the correct ignition advance at full load is by using a dyno. Generally for naturally aspirated engines it is safe to set the advance near to maximum power, with the aim being to run the least amount of timing possible. A good procedure is to tune for maximum power then retard the timing until you just start to lose power (around 1 hp). At all times monitor engine knock to make sure there is no detonation (even for a naturally aspirated engine). If pinging it audible or the ECU shows that the engine is knocking then it is advisable to abort the dyno run, retard timing/add fuel, and restart the run.

With forced induction engines it is important not to over-advance the ignition, otherwise the engine will be damaged in only a few seconds. Use conservative ignition settings, monitor the knock sensor and abort any dyno run if the engine shows signs of knock, pinging or detonation.

Tuning Ignition Advance at part throttle

Tuning ignition advance at part throttle is more difficult than full throttle because it is difficult to accurately determine the correct settings. In general the default calibrations are suitable for part throttle, otherwise an EGT gauge can be used to determine the best ignition advance.


Ignition controlled idle

When idling the ECU used ignition to control the idle speed. It is normal to see the ignition timing range from -10 to +15 degrees while idling.

Honda Knock Control

Honda knock control tables only offer a long term adjustment of estimated fuel octane, and do not use dynamic ignition timing control. For this reason the knock sensitivity has been reduced in the starting calibrations so that the knock control does not affect tuning.