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Ignition Switch 中文



  1. Ignition Switch 中文翻译
  2. Switch Off The Ignition 中文
  3. Ignition Switch中文
Ignition Switch 中文

'ignition'中文翻译 n. 礁,暗礁 (=cay, quay)。. She got into the car and switched on the ignition. Ignition switch. 'ignition' 中文翻譯 : n. 'switch' 中文翻譯 : n. 'ignition' 中文翻譯 : n. Engine ignition switch的中文翻译,engine ignition switch是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译engine ignition switch,engine ignition switch的中文意思,engine ignition switch的中文,engine ignition switch in Chinese,engine ignition switch的中文,engine ignition switch怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。.

Ignition Switch 中文翻译

Ignition Switch 中文

Switch Off The Ignition 中文

Switch off the ignition 中文

Ignition Switch中文

  • insert a blank sentry key into the ignition switch and turn the ignition switch on within 60 seconds.


  • the utility model provides an electronic ignition switch fuel-saving device for automobiles, comprising a metallic casing, a printed circuit board and electronic components.


  • it can also be a mechanical interlock device that will not let the ignition switch turn to start if the car is in the gear.


  • rotate the skim and its mounting bracket downwards and then to the side away from the steering column to slide the skim antenna ring from around the ignition switch lock cylinder housing.


  • the circuit is wired so that it is powered up only when the car's ignition switch is closed.


  • the ignition switch allows the driver to start and stop ignition by opening and closing the circuit between the electrical engry source and the other ignition components.


  • the japanese carmaker honda is recalling more than 400,000 vehicles in north america to fix a potential problem with the ignition switch on automatic models.


  • the left set ignition switch for starting the vehicle is positioned on the left panel of the base.


  • the steering wheel base with left set ignition switch is mainly designed for the taxi, so that the key of the automobile is not convenient to be robbed by the criminal wishing to hijack the taxi.


  • place ignition switch into openings on steering column.


Ignition switchIf inoperative, [...]
火开如果不起作用,则请联系您的 STEYR MOTORS [...]
Ignition Switch
[...] generators after theignitionisswitchedoff.
拟点火开关关闭后, DC电机继续转动而产生的瞬态干 扰波形)。
you must vent the exhaust to a safe place, away from people, animals, food handling
[...] areas, and all sources ofignition.
[...] 有害流体时,必须将废气排放到安全的区域,要远离人 群、动物、食品加区及火源
(b) When depleted uranium combusts, particles of uranium oxide in the form of a heavy black dust arise within
and around the vehicle and usually travel, with steady winds, to a distance of
[...] some 50 metres from the point ofignition.
(b) 当贫化铀燃烧时,黑色粉尘形式的氧化铀颗粒会在车子内和车子周围出 现,如果风向稳定的话,通常可被 离着 50 米处
The assembly of diverterswitchoil compartment [...]
and tap selector as well as the connection of tap selector connecting leads
开关油室和分 接选 择器的装配以及分接选择器引出线的连接均应按第4.3节 [...]
Eliminate allignitionsources; such as pilot [...]
lights, cigarettes, portable electric lamps, and plastic drop cloths (potential static arc).
有火源,如引火火焰、烟头 、手提电灯及塑胶遮蔽布 (可产生静电火花)。
The minimumignitionenergy of aluminium pigments depends significantly on the specific surface area of the pigment particles and [...]
When the internal pressure and temperature rise had built up sufficiently due to the chain reaction process, the
transformer’s lid was forced open and the vaporised insulation oil started to
[...] burn after itsignitionpoint was exceeded.
[...] 電壓交感器的蓋面受壓被迫致鬆脫打開,而絶緣油則在温 度超燃點後開始燃燒。
Compared to solvent vapour/ air mixtures, a powder/air mixture requires
[...] 50 to 100 times more energy forignition.
与挥发溶剂和空气的混合 点燃 粉末 气混 合物所需求的能量要高50到100倍。
The factory-assembledswitchhas one adjustable [...]
set point, which can be used for high- or lowpressure indication.
这种工 厂安装的开关有一个 可调设定点、可用于指示高压力或低压力。
shall discharge at least 1.5 m away from any opening into the workshop, adjacent
[...] buildings, or any fixed source ofignition.
4.3.4 通風系統的排氣口須於距離維修工場或毗鄰建築物的任何孔口 或任何火源 1.5 米的地方排氣。
[...] must not be impact sensitive or have a risk of prematureignitionor explosion during transportation, handling, or normal [...]
2-1.8 成品装置不能对碰撞敏感或在运输、 搬运和正常使用时有过早引燃或爆炸的危险。
[...] the diverterswitchoil compartment and of the diverterswitchinsert, it is necessary to connect a common tube of at least 50 mm nominal width between the kerosene vapor lead and at least two pipe connections of the on-load tap-changer head leading into the diverterswitchcompartment.
为了确保切换开关油室 (内部)和切换开 关芯子得到充分的干燥,有必要使用内径为 50 mm 的连通管将至少两个直接通 往切换开关内部的分接开关头接头 接到煤油 蒸汽管 上。
Since there are no sliding surfaces and as the expansion chamber is hermetically sealed
against the drive system, they are just right for use in environments in which
[...] it is important to eliminateignitionsources.
由于其没有滑动面,且抽气腔室 与驱动腔室完全密封分隔开,所以非常 适合应用需要火花环境中。
This is because wherever flammable gases, vapours, fluids or dust occur, the presence
[...] of oxygen and anignitionsource can rapidly [...]
这是因为无论哪里只要存在可燃的气体、 蒸汽、液体或粉尘,并且有 点火源 便 迅速 引起爆炸。
[...] and the distance of the safety sensor to the reference changes as a result,switchthe safety-relatedswitchingoutputs off.
如果位置变化,并且安全传感器与参 考面的距离改变,则安全控制输出端立即发送停止信号。
high-purity fluid with excellent dielectric properties, very good long-term thermal
[...] stability and highignitiontemperature.
[...] 变压器硅油是一种高纯度流体,它具有优异的介电性能、极佳的长期热稳定性和 点火温
Noting that the 'while stocks last' promotion approach is very
[...] [...] common, Hon Vincent FANG has called on the Administration to provide sufficient safeguards in the Bill to ensure that businesses acting in good faith would not be inadvertently caught by the offences of bait advertising or bait andswitch,for example, by specifying the amount of stock that a business must supply so that honest traders could comply.
方剛議員察悉,市面上'數量有限,售完即止'的推廣手法非 常普遍,他因而促請政府當局在條例草案中提供足夠的保障,以免 忠誠行事的企業不慎觸犯餌誘式廣告宣傳或先誘後轉銷售行為的罪 行,例如指明一間企業必須供應的商品數量,以便誠實的商戶可以 遵守。
[...] and turn theignitionon to enter error [...]
indication mode.
如上所述进行连接,并开点火开 ,以 输入故障显示方式。
content flammability
[...] and sources ofignition;fire services education and training in fireignition,fire growth and fuel load calculation; and fire research on materials and plastics, including corrosion, decomposition,ignitionand long-term [...]
在加入 UL 之前及之后,他一直专注于以下领域:物质的可燃性和引燃源;在 着火、火势 增长 和可燃物负荷量计算方面的消防教育和培训;以及对材料和塑 的防 火研 究, 包括 腐蚀、分解 引燃 和长 期稳定性。
Considering the run-in condition, it takes less than one day
[...] from the gasifierignitionto output of qualified [...] [...]
which is much simpler and easier to operation than the previous naphtha-tohydrogen method.
从开车情况 看,从点火化到生产 出合格的氢气和合成氨,用不了一天的时间,比 [...]
[...] determine auto-ignitionand flashpoint [...]
temperatures of material or consult Quadrant Engineering Plastic Products.
使用《材料安全数据表》,以确定材料的 自燃 点和 点温 ,也 可咨询跨骏工程塑料制品公司的服务人员。
and UEL) define the range in which a gas or a vapour in air is capable of
[...] igniting in the presence of anignitionsource.
爆炸上限和爆炸下限(LEL 和 UEL)定义了空气 中的气体或汽在火源 区间
In such a balance, the mass inputs from the kiln feed and fuel ashes, and the output of clinker output, the loss onignitionof the raw meal and dust leaving the kiln system (e.g. as bypass dust) are balanced to yield the mass of dust returned [...] [...]
在此平 衡中,物料投入(水泥窯給料和燃料灰) 應同產出(熟料產出)和生料和離開水泥 窯系統的粉塵(如旁路粉塵)的燒失量平 衡,以便得出某一時期返回粉塵循環的粉 塵物料。
5-1.2 Product design, packaging, and case packing must
[...] [...] produce a finished shipping case in which simultaneous explosion of all the items does not result fromignitionof one item in the shipping case.
5-1.2 产品设计、包装和装箱要满足,在一 个独立的运输包装中,当一个装置引燃时,其 它装置不会同时爆炸。
Under the new section 13H, a trader engages in a bait andswitchif, having made an invitation to purchase a product at a specified price, he refuses to show or demonstrate the product or to take orders for the product or deliver it within a reasonable time, or shows or demonstrates a defective sample of the product, with the intention of promoting a different product.
根據新增訂的第13H條,如任何商戶就某產品(下稱'有 關產品')作出按指明價格的購買邀請,而其後該商戶出於促銷 不同的產品的意圖而拒絕展示或示範使用有關產品,或拒絕接 受有關產品的訂單或在合理時間內交付有關產品,或展示或示 範使用有關產品的欠妥樣本,即屬先誘後轉銷售行為。
If customers opt for automatic add value amount HKD500 per transaction and want toswitchto another bank that only provides the option of automatic add value amount of HKD250 per transaction thereafter. Customers should either contact Hang Seng to change the automatic add value amount to HKD250 or call Octopus Customer Hotline 2266 2222 to cancel the Hang Seng Credit Card Octopus AAVS beforeswitchingto another bank.
選 擇 設 定 每 次 自 動 增 值 金 額 為 HKD500 之 客 戶 如 日 後 欲 轉 換 其 他 銀 行 為 其 提 供 「 八 達 通 自 動 增 值 」 服 務 , 而 若 該 銀 行 只 提 供 每 次 自 動 增 值 HKD250 之 選 擇 , 客 戶 需 於 轉 換 銀 行 前 聯 絡 本 行 更 改 每 次 自 動 增 值 金 額 至 HKD250 ; 或 致 電 八 達 通 顧 客 服 務 熱 線 2266 2222 取 消 恒 生 信 用 卡 「 八 達 通 自 動 增 值 」 服 務 。
[...] Sea skirmish anignitionpoint for an allout [...]
war, the puppet military warmongers sparked
off the second armed conflict in the waters in 2002 when the hot wind of reconciliation and unity swept the peninsula more furiously than before.
傀儡军事战争贩子未能使西海的第一次小规模冲突成为全 开战 火索此后,在 2002 年,当和解与统一的热风比以往更猛烈地吹遍半岛时,他们却在 [...]
[...] electrodes, highignitionvoltage, limitation [...]
of discharge current and defined hot
restart – all features of the PC PRO range thanks to the patented xitec processor – will help to extend lamp life and reduce maintenance costs.
此外,灯电极热,火电,放 电电流限制和定义热启动,这些PC Pro系列产品凭借专利xitec处理器所具有的特性,将有助于延长灯泡寿命并降低维修成本。